We've evolved the DC Plan’s investments so they fit better with our principles and strategy for the future, including our approach to responsible investment (RI).
There are a few other changes too – hopefully you received your personalised leaflet that we sent at the end of June. This explains how the changes affect you based on how you were investing in June.
Psst, watch this space! We’ll continue to adapt our approach and fund range, in line with changing attitudes and to take advantage of new investment opportunities. We’ll let you know how we get on.
We’ve developed our RI strategy and principles over several years. In that time, there's been growing interest in RI and an increase in the number of RI funds available. We’ve also seen an increasing regulatory focus in this area.
This, together with our conversations with members, is why we believe that now is a good time to introduce more funds that have a specific focus on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities.
We’ve identified 3 funds to help us expand our RI focus, while still meeting our core aims of ensuring good value for money and appropriate performance outcomes – so your savings can still do well while you’re making a difference:
What's an underlying fund? The underlying fund is the actual investment fund(s) that a DC Plan fund invests in. Rather than use the underlying fund names (which can be quite wordy) to describe our funds, we’ve named our funds to give you an idea of the types of assets each fund invests in. Naming funds this way makes it simpler for you, and easier for us to change an underlying fund if we find another that’s more suitable (although we only do this occasionally).
Before making these changes, the Trustees asked members what they thought about responsible investment and their DC savings. Here’s a summary of some of our survey results:
Conversations with membersThis vodcast explains the investment changes and the Trustees' approach to responsible investment, and also answer members' questions. You can also read answers to members' questions here.
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